Saturday 10th of September 2022
8:30 pm > 9:30 pm – Loop screening
Total duration: approx. 15 min
> Facebook event
Les Arcades
16 rue Kléber
59155 Faches-Thumesnil
Monument video mapping
Inhabitants from the cities of the Métropole Européenne de Lille take over the façade of the Arcades, the musical center of Faches-Thumesnil, and present you their mapping made during participative workshops!
Two rows of Pong, a dash of Pacman, some ninjas and a big cat, all in the pixel centrifuge for a big bowl of Pop Culture. To be served with a small touch of nostalgia!
Creative team: Educational workshop with teenagers – Médiathèque Marguerite Yourcenar, Faches-Thumesnil
Supervising staff: Etienne BONNET
Assisted with: Margaux LAMBIN
Editing and sound creation: Etienne BONNET
► The Castaways
Follow the fantastic journey of this adventurers’ group! Will they be able to face the dangers that await them?
Creative team: Educational workshop with teenagers – Club Ados, Baisieux
Supervising staff: Stéphanie LÉONARD
Editing and sound creation: Stéphanie LÉONARD
► Arcade’s club
A goofy DJ, a mischievous repairman and a pop-up front that turns into a dance floor… Let’s swing!
Creative team: Educational workshop with teenagers – Espace Jeunes, Haubourdin
Supervising staff: Olivier SION
Editing and sound creation: Olivier SION
► In Harmony
We have piano, guitar, bass and drums. Okay. All that’s missing are the dancers. Let’s hope that everyone has warmed up well, it’s going to be fun!
Creative team: Educational workshop with children – Centre artistique, Lomme
Supervising staff: Etienne BONNET, Simon ROUZÉ
Assisted with: Mélanie LONGEAU
Editing and sound creation: Etienne BONNET
Video mapping created for the Video Mapping Festival organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles, as part of participative workshops.
With the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, Drac Hauts-de-France, the Métropole Européenne de Lille, and the European Union as part of the Cinematopedia project.
In collaboration with the City of Faches-Thumesnil, and the cities of Baisieux, Haubourdin and Lomme.