

Development of the sector

The Video Mapping Festival is the main event of the Video Mapping European Center, which aims to support the development of the video mapping sector in Europe, and particularly in the Hauts-de-France Region.

The goals of the Video Mapping European Center are:
Produce reference data in order to have a better understanding of the sector's evolution (economic, artistic, etc.) and encourage research through creation.
Train young talents and support artists in developing their careers.
Promote video mapping and the opportunities it offers to potential sponsors.
Encourage public encounters with video mapping works, develop cultural activities and visual image education around the medium.
Facilitate the networking of professionals and stakeholders in the sector.

Several actions are organised :
A research effort, carried out with the DeVisu laboratory of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
Training/workshops/educational workshops for various audiences.
Creative and prototyping residencies.
Events: Video Mapping Contest, Video Mapping Festival.
Support for professional development in association with a production cooperative, Loom Prod.

IBSIC (Image Beyond the Screen International Conference) - annual event dedicated the mapping sector, with international mapping great names, facilitates networking of professionals and actors of the industry.

Each year, in relation to the Opening night in Lille and in order to train tomorrow’s talents, the Video Mapping Festival offers a workshop for animation and video game international students and professionals.
Besides, the Video Mapping European offers several training sessions throughout the year: « New Images Careers » , a 4-months video mapping training for young people aged 18 to 29, a Collective Operational Preparation to Employment (POEC) training linked to Pôle Emploi and Afdas, and other professional trainings.

As part of the Festival, Rencontres Audiovisuelles welcome each year about 15 artists in Arenberg Creative Mine, during a creation residency bringing together video mapping, animation, and digital artists, researchers etc. in order to produce the original works that will be presented during the Opening night.
The artists then work remotely while receiving an artistic and technical support.
The residencies offer an opportunity for young professionals to develop personal creations. For the research, they are also a laboratory for experimentation and observation.
As the last two editions of the Video Mapping Festival were severely disrupted by the health crisis, the creations presented this year, initially planned for the 2020 edition, were produced during the 2019 residency.
Info: https://videomappingcenter.com/residencies/?lang=en

The Video Mapping European Center also supports regional companies, recognised for their skills in image creation, in the diversification of their activity and the development of their skills about video mapping, via training or networking. These companies also can be invited to create their very first mapping as part of the Video Mapping Festival.

The Video Mapping Festival, and all the artistic creations produced for it, is a generator of employment: artistic, technical, coordination positions....
The mapping creations produced during the Festival also allow the artists and technicians to show their skills and to improve their portfolio and help the development of their career.

Organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles and the DeVisu laboratory of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, as part of the Video Mapping European Center.
With the support of the European Union (Europe is committed to the Hauts-de-France Region through the European Regional Development Fund), the Hauts-de-France Region, the Communauté d'Agglomération de La Porte du Hainaut, The City of Wallers-Arenberg and Arenberg Creative Mine.